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Abstract            Volume:8  Issue-12  Year-2020         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

A Study of Pulmonary Function Changes in Sanitary Workers of Madurai Population
Robinson Joseph*
Department of Community Medicine, Madurai Medical College, Madurai -625020, Tamil Nadu, India
*Corresponding author

In the present study to investigate that the pulmonary changes in the sanitary workers of Madurai population in Tamil Nadu, India. Respiratory disorders are the most common occupational diseases. Municipal solid waste handling and disposal is a growing environmental and public health concern. Garbage collectors are occupationally exposed to a variety of solid waste and airborn contaminants. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the respiratory states of the sanitary workers. This is observational study. The study was done among sanitary workers of Madurai municipality, Tamil Nadu, with 190 subjects, who were divided into 2 groups like Group I and Group II. Group I with 96 sanitary workers and Group II with 94 as control group with age and morphometric matched subjects. The subjects involved are both sex with the age group between 20 -60 years. Various functional parameters like FVC, FEV1, FVC/FEV1, FEF 25%, FEF50%, FEF75% were done using RMS Helios 3.1.37. Results: In sanitary workers pulmonary findings showed a significant decrease in FVC, FEV1, FVC/FEV1, FEF 25%, FEF50%, FEF75% when compared to the control normal subjects. In the present study we conclude that the sanitary workers showed a significant decrease in the pulmonary function tests as they were exposed to variety of solid waste particles which might have caused inflammatory and immunological response with the small and large airways of the respiratory tract.

Keywords: Occupational lung diseases, Pulmonary function tests, Respiratory tract
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How to cite this article:

Robinson Joseph. 2020. A Study of Pulmonary Function Changes in Sanitary Workers of Madurai Population.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 8(12): 122-126
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2020.812.012
Copyright: This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.