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Abstract            Volume:10  Issue-2  Year-2022         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Role of Soilless Culture Systems for Water Use Efficiency and Product Quality of Greenhouse Vegetables: Review
Damtew Abewoy
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Wondo Genet Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia
*Corresponding author

Open field/soil-based agriculture is facing some major challenges such as extreme temperatures, chemical toxicity, and oxidative stress made the biosphere facing a huge problems and it affecting agricultural system. In the other hand, population rose every year and became more aware to the quality, quantity, and healthiness of what they have consumed. Under such circumstances, in near future it will become impossible to feed the entire population using open field system of agricultural production only. Naturally, soil-less culture is becoming more relevant in the present scenario, to cope-up with these challenges. In soil-less culture, plants are raised without soil, which is the most intensive, and effective production method in today’s agriculture industry. Improved space and water conserving methods of food production under soil-less culture have shown some promising results all over the World. Soilless culture can be the effective tool to increase the crop yield and, if closed irrigation systems are adopted could increase the water-use efficiency, also reduce the environmental impact of greenhouses. By implementing the soilless cultivation system, some researchers yielded a better quality of agricultural products, which is expected to meet the consumer preferences.

Keywords: Greenhouse, Protected cultivation, Quality product, Soilless culture.
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How to cite this article:

Damtew Abewoy. 2022. Role of Soilless Culture Systems for Water Use Efficiency and Product Quality of Greenhouse Vegetables: Review.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 10(2): 36-42
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2022.1002.004
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