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Abstract            Volume:10  Issue-1  Year-2022         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Response of Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Seedling Varieties to Inorganic N Source (UREA) Fertilizer, Time of application and N uptake
Ewnetu Teshale, Gebreslassie Hailu, Obsa Atnafu, Adugna Bayeta and Bikila Takele
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Jimma Agricultural Research Center
*Corresponding author

Nitrogen is an important component of many of the nutrients needed for coffee seedlings growth and development is necessary for carbohydrate consumption, growth and development. The importance of nitrogen in a coffee nutrient depends largely on its presence found mainly in the dry matter of the protoplasm, or living constitute, of plant cells. In coffee seedlings growing soil media, nitrogen is also one of the most susceptible macronutrients to environmental loss, such as ammonia volatilization (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, and nitrate leaching (NO3). Any form of N losses from the soil systems can be major limitations for crop production, soil fertility. A nursery experiment was conducted to evaluate the response of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) seedling varieties to inorganic N Source (UREA) fertilizer rates, time of application and N uptake for two years. The experiment consist of two coffee varieties 74110 and 75227 as main plots and seven treatments as a sub plots: Negative control (without input), positive control (recommended N from UREA), recommended N from UREA once at planting, recommended N from UREA in two splits 1/2 at planting and 1/2 at two pair of true leaf, half recommended N from UREA once at planting, recommended N + 1/2 recommended N from UREA in two splits 1/2 at planting and 1/2 at two pair of true leaf, recommended N + 1/2 recommended N from UREA in two splits 1/2 at planting and 1/2 at two pair of true leaf and Recommended N +1/2 recommended N from UREA once at planting. Soil and leaf samples before planting and soil sample after harvesting collected from each of the experimental plots and subjected to soil and plant tissue analysis standard laboratory. The result revealed that application of recommended N + 1/2 recommended N from UREA in two splits 1/2 at planting and 1/2 at two pair of true leaf *75227 coffee variety, recommended N +1/2 recommended N from UREA once at planting *75227 coffee variety and Positive control (recommended N from UREA) *75227 coffee variety gave the maximum plant height, stem girth, leaf area, root volume, total dry mater and leaf N Uptake. The least coffee seedlings growth parameters and N uptake were recorded from negative control*74110 coffee variety. In general UREA stable was improves coffee seedling growth and increase total dry matter production for coffee seedling similar as the existing UREA. The experiment was conducted for tow yeas on two coffee varieties. For sound full recommendation it is better to conduct on different coffee varieties and at the main field.

Keywords: Coffee seedling, Fertilizer, N uptake, Time of application, Urea.
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How to cite this article:

Ewnetu Teshale, Gebreslassie Hailu, Obsa Atnafu, Adugna Bayeta and Bikila Takele. 2022. Response of Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Seedling Varieties to Inorganic N Source (UREA) Fertilizer, Time of application and N uptake.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 10(1): 73-80
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2022.1001.008
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