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Abstract            Volume:9  Issue-12  Year-2021         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Perceptions and Practices of Continuous Assessment in Government Higher Learning Institutions in Ethiopia
Chala Mosisa Hunduma*, Garkebo Basha Abo and Abdi Nugusa Gursha
Department of Education and Behavioural Sciences, Haramaya University, Ethiopia P.o.Box 138 Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
*Corresponding author

The study aimed to investigate the perceptions and practices of continuous assessment in government higher learning institutions in Ethiopia. A survey research design with both qualitative and quantitative approaches involving concurrent triangulation strategy was employed. The study period was from February 2020 and November 2020. A total of 354 respondents (219 students, 125 instructors, 3 college deans, 4 department heads, 3 Quality Assurance and Cooperative Learning Coordinators (QACLCs)) were the participants of the study. Except for deans, heads, and QACLCs, who were selected by purposive sampling, all the rest were selected randomly. Questionnaires, and interviews, were tools/sources of data. The data gathered through questionnaires were analyzed using percentage, frequency, mean, combined mean, standard deviation, and combined standard deviation, one-way ANOVAs, and interview data were analyzed by narration and direct quotation of the respondent idea. The result of the study showed that the perception of both teachers and students towards the CA was positive. Regarding the practice of CA, there was low extent of CA practices. The implication is that CA as a means to improve students learning and academic achievement is not practiced in line with student assessment guidelines (such as MoE students assessment guidelines). Thus, to make the maximum academic benefits out of the practice of CA, all concerned bodies/actors (at all levels (higher level - Ministry of education/Ministry of science and higher education) to the lower level (department/staff level) should give special attention to the CA implementation policy. Appropriate training (particularly related to conceptualization, methods, techniques of CA including its practice, and academic integrity) should also be delivered to instructors and students. Finally, to properly implement CA, it is recommended that countrywide research, involving all other variables and higher learning institutions not considered in this study, should be conducted in the future.

Keywords: policy documents, directives, guidelines, proclamations, education development roadmap.
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How to cite this article:

Chala Mosisa Hunduma, Garkebo Basha Abo and Abdi Nugusa Gursha. 2021. Perceptions and Practices of Continuous Assessment in Government Higher Learning Institutions in Ethiopia.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 9(12): 56-67
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2021.912.007
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