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Abstract            Volume:9  Issue-11  Year-2021         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Effectiveness of Gully Rehabilitation Materials Integrated with Locally Available Vegetative Measures under Natural Environment of Mitike Watershed, Northwestern Ethiopia
Getnet Asfawesen1*, Zeleke Melese2 and Yenesew Assaye2
1Debre Markos Agricultural Research Center, Debre Markos, Ethiopia
2Pawe Agricultural Research Center, Pawe, Ethiopia
*Corresponding author

Gully erosion is a very severe problem in Northern Ethiopia where continuous cultivation was a common production system. These different methods of gully reclamation measures were undertaken where not all rehabilitation measures were not effective. Therefore, this research was designed to select appropriate rehabilitation measures in the humid lowland of north western Ethiopia. The result of the research indicates that integration of check dam integrated with vegetation measures and area closure reduced gully depth, slope gradient, gully volume, and soil loss. Slope of gully bed was reduced by 72%, 60.3% and 68% due to check dams; bamboo net check dam, sand bag check dam, and brushwood check dam, respectively. Similarly, gully depth reduced by 91%, 80% and 55% while gully volume was reduced by 32m3, 7m3, and 4m3 due to check dams as in the same order of slope change. The ratio of width-depth was higher under gullies treated with bamboo net check dam (56.69) followed by sand bag check dam (37) where they are integrated with locally available vegetative material and area closure. The rate of soil loss reduction due to bamboo net check dam was 5 times effective relative to the initial soil loss due to gully while sand bag check dam was 1.54 times effective. The amount of soil deposition due to rehabilitation measures was also affected by check dams as bamboo net check dam trap 303 ton/ha followed by sand bag check dam which trap 37 ton/ha. Thus, rehabilitation of gully with bamboo net check dam is 45% effective over the control treatment as it reduced 80% of the soil lost at the initial year. Compared with the control, soil water storage was increased by 18% due to bamboo net check dam integrated with vegetative measures and area closure. Therefore, bamboo net check dam filled with soil from the surrounding gully side integrated with plantation of vegetation measures like lowland bamboo in the gully bed, and area closure was effective to rehabilitate gully erosion around Pawe area, humid low land area.

Keywords: Land degradation, fuel wood, soil piping, geo-environmental problems.
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How to cite this article:

Getnet Asfawesen, Zeleke Melese and Yenesew Assaye. 2021. Effectiveness of Gully Rehabilitation Materials Integrated with Locally Available Vegetative Measures Under Natural Environment of Mitike Watershed, Northwestern Ethiopia.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 9(11): 50-64
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2021.911.007
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