Abstract Volume:9 Issue-4 Year-2021 Original Research Articles
Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcret@gmail.com |
Nutrient compositions of most cereal based food products are inadequate to meet the nutrient requirement for all age groups. Enrichment of cereal with easily affordable legumes, root and tubers having superior nutrients are important approach to produce nutrient dense and sensorial acceptable food products. Therefore, this study was carried out to develop nutrient dense and acceptable food products from composite flour formulated from finger millet, ground nut, orange fleshed sweet potato and soy bean flours. Accordingly, Two types of composite flours were developed. Composite flour type I consisting 65:35, 70:30, 75:25, 80:20 and 85:15 of finger millet and soybean in proportion, respectively, were formulated for injera making. Composite flour type II consisting 60:20:20:0, 70:20:10:0, 60:20:0:20 and 70:20:0:10 of finger millet, soybean, ground nut and sweet potato, respectively, were used for porridge and kita product making. The moisture, ash, protein, fat, fiber and carbohydrate contents of the formulations were ranged from 8.141 to 9.67, 1.03 to 3.17, 4.38 to 17.17, 0.02 to 15.59, 2.85 to 13.87, 60.41 to 71.57%, respectively. There was a significant difference in water absorption capacity, swelling power, water solubility and oil absorption capacity among the composite flours. Sensory acceptability of Injera made from composite flour consisting of 75:25 finger millet and soyabean, respectively, were more preferred by panelists than other proportions. Sensory attributes data showed that porridge made from composite flour formulated from 60:20:20 of finger millet, soyabean and sweet potato were highly preferred by panelists in all sensory attributes. On the other hand, Sensory acceptability of kita made from composite flour formulated from 70:20:10 of finger millet, soyabean and sweet potato, respectively, were achieved highest sensorial scores. Therefore, blending of finger millet with nutritious legumes, root and tubers crops would be, recommended in production of nutritious and sensorially acceptable value added food products for different purposes.
How to cite this article:
Milkesa Feyera, Fikiru Dasa and Kedir Kebero. 2021. Formulation and Quality Evaluation of Finger Millet Based Composite food productsInt.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 9(4): 53-62doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2021.904.006
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