Abstract Volume:8 Issue-8 Year-2020 Original Research Articles
Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcret@gmail.com |
The main aim of this study was to investigate the Factors Affecting “1 to 5” Group Work in Writing Skills in EFL Classrooms, in two Selected Secondary Schools in Wolaita Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia. Therefore, Areka and Gesuba secondary schools were selected as a research setting. There were 54 sections in grades 11 and 12in the two selected schools. For selecting students, simple random sampling technique was employed. Concerning the sample size, 10% of the total population of the students was selected to reflect the trait distribution that exists in the population. Three data gathering instruments namely, observation, questionnaire and interview were used to collect the data. Some classrooms were observed to assess the actual one to five group work problems. A questionnaire consisting of both closed and open-ended types was administered to 360 students. In order to collect additional data and to triangulate the data obtained through the selected tools, interview with teachers was carried out to get the data that may appear difficult to get through questionnaire and observations. To analyze the responses given through each tool, descriptive survey method using frequency and percentages was employed. The main findings of this study indicate that writing in one to five groups generally had a positive impact on the students’ writing and on their motivation to write in English and that group writing therefore has potential in EFL classrooms. All of the students stated that their motivation had increased due to the group writing activities. Therefore, letting learners explore their creativity and use their fantasy in writing is an important classroom activity. Besides, it would be interesting to see what the long-term effects of the research would have been if the students’ writing had been researched over, a longer period of time.
How to cite this article:
Getachew Geno Alala. 2020. Factors Affecting “1 to 5” Group Work in Writing Skills in EFL Classrooms: Two Selected Secondary Schools in Focus: Wolaita, Ethiopia.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 8(8): 17-24doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2020.808.003
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