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Abstract            Volume:8  Issue-6  Year-2020         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Improving Female Students’ Academic Achievement via Study Skills Training in Some Selected Departments of Arba Minch College of Teachers' Education
Tamirat Yigezu1*, Endale Berhanu2, Tamirat Gibon2 and Fiseha Mekuria2
1Arba Minch College of Teachers' Education
2Wolaita Sodo University
*Corresponding author

The main objective of this research was to assess the effect of study skills training on female students’ academic achievement in ACTE. In order to attain this objective, pre-post test research design employed; purposive sampling method used to identify five departments (Amharic (1st year), English (1st and 2nd years), Mathematics (1st year), Social Science (Cluster1st year); three courses (General Methods of Teaching, Special Needs Education and Educational Measurement and Evaluation) and the year levels (first year and second year). All female students in these five departments were taken for the purpose of this action research (47). Data were collected using questionnaire and tests. Descriptive statistics-measure of central tendency (Mean) and dispersion (Standard deviation) were major statistical analyses employed in this action research. Furthermore, SPSS was used to analyze data collected through study skills inventory questionnaire. The major findings of this action research were: more than 60% of female students faced the problem of effective time management; nearly 55% deficiency in listening and note taking; about 53% had problem of knowing different types of reading strategies and utilization of these strategies; 67% of the female students faced the problem of concentration during study time; 62% did not employ memory retention mechanism; and about 50% faced problem in preparing for and taking examinations. The pre-test result showed: the mean of the test was 48 with the lowest result of 31 and the highest result 61. The post-test result showed mean of 59; and 37 and 84 the lowest and the highest results respectively. Which meant the mean was increased by more than 10; the lowest result raised by 6 and the highest score increased by 23 points. Therefore, the obtained results revealed that the training on study skills had improved the academic achievement of female students in the specified year level, departments and courses in ACTE.

Keywords: Improving; Female student; Academic achievement; Study skills and Training
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How to cite this article:

Tamirat Yigezu, Endale Berhanu, Tamirat Gibon and Fiseha Mekuria. 2020. Improving Female Students’ Academic Achievement via Study Skills Training in Some Selected Departments of Arba Minch College of Teachers' Education.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 8(6): 26-42
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2020.806.004
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