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Abstract            Volume:8  Issue-4  Year-2020         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Potential of Homestead Agroforestry for Socio Economic and Food Security: A Demonstration of Multi-story Agroforestry Practice in North Shewa Administrative Zone, Amhara Region
Mesafint Minale Fenta1, Hailemariam Fisha2, Abeje Tedla Admkie3 and Reta Eshetu Tsedeke4
1Environment and Climate Change, 2General Forestry, 3Agroforestry and Soil Management, 4Forest Management and Climate Change, Debre Birhan Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia
*Corresponding author

The homestead multistory agroforestry demonstration was conducted at Tarma ber district of North Shewa zone to demonstrate and evaluate model multistory agroforestry practice for its ecological and economic importance for the rural communities of the area. The demonstration in addition aimed to further enhance farmers' knowledge on this new cultivation method before any further adoption. The demonstration study was started in June 2013 as multistory agroforestry practices and established with special and temporal arrangements with three strata. The upper stratum comprised tree components, middle stratum was fruits and the lower stratum was different annual crops. The total area of a demonstration site was 0.045ha. Persea americana, Rhamnus prinoides, Coffea arabica, Musa paradisiaca, Phaseolus lunatus, Hibisicus sabdariffa and Vigna unguiculata were planted at different time of the lifetime of the study and yield data were collected. The results from this demonstration study showed that, on average 1507 kg of edible non-timber forest products harvested per hectare per year. Organic matter and available phosphorus were increased from 1.52 to 2.14%, and 4.26 to 15.98 ppm, respectively. In addition, this practice showed higher net present value (NPV) and benefit-cost ratio (B/C) than the two crop land 3537.36 US$ and 3.3 per ha from these different components. From this study it can be concluded that multistory agroforestry may be ecologically advantageous land use system for sustainable food, biomass production and economic return comparing with conventional agricultural practices. Therefore, future agricultural extension adoption should consider this homegarden agro-forestry practice for sustainable agricultural production and productivity especially in North Shewa areas where this practice is not well known.

Keywords: Agroforestry, Home garden, Food insecurity and soil degradation
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How to cite this article:

Mesafint Minale Fenta, Hailemariam Fisha, Abeje Tedla Admkie and Reta Eshetu Tsedeke. 2020. Potential of Homestead Agroforestry for Socio Economic and Food Security: A Demonstration of Multi-story Agroforestry Practice in North Shewa Administrative Zone, Amhara RegionInt.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 8(4): 8-17
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2020.804.002
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