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Abstract            Volume:4  Issue-3  Year-2016         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Perspectives of the Dry Fish Industry in Coastal Areas of West Bengal, India
Chanchal Samanta1*, Utpal Bhaumik2 and Bidhan Chandra Patra1
1Department of Aquaculture Management and Technology, Vidyasagar University, Medinipore-721102, West Bengal, India
2Former Divisional Head, Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata- 700120, West Bengal, India
*Corresponding author

To portray the present status of dry fish industry, a study was conducted in 7 different coastal fish landing centres as well as dry fish processing centres of two coastal districts of West Bengal namely South 24-parganas & Purba Medinipore. A total of 336 fish curers of 7 sample sites viz. Patharpratima Khuti, Baliara Khuti, Namkhana Khuti & Kakdwip Khuti under the district South 24-parganas and Junput Khuti, Haripur Khuti, Jaldha Khuti under the district Purba Medinipore, selected at random were personally interviewed through a structured schedule. All the 336 respondents of the 7 sample sites have been practicing the sun-drying of fishes in traditional manner exclusively. The peak season for fish drying was reported during November to March in the entire 7 sample sites. As many as 28% of the fish curers undertook fish drying activity procuring raw materials to the tune of 30,000kg/yr. The end product received after drying from these raw materials was estimated at 8000kg/yr. The traditional method of fish drying needs to be modernized for better return since it has promising export market.

Keywords: Landing Centres, Khuties,Fish-curers,Peak Season,Drying technique, Export.
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How to cite this article:

Chanchal Samanta, Utpal Bhaumik and Bidhan Chandra Patra. 2016. Perspectives of the Dry Fish Industry in Coastal Areas of West Bengal, India.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 4(3): 63-75
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2016.403.008
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