Abstract Volume:7 Issue-2 Year-2019 Original Research Articles
Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcret@gmail.com |
2Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey
Origanum acutidens (Hand.-Mazz.) Ietswaart is an endemic plant growing in the eastern part of Turkey. Origanum acutidens, rich in rosmarinic acid, has a high antioxidant effect. The essential oil of this plant is rich in carvacrol. The plant has chemotypes containing up to 90% carvacrol. Carvacrol also has a comprehensive range of uses from health to food. According to results obtained from previous studies, carvacrol has a lethal effect against some cancer cells. Furthermore, carvacrol has antifungal and antibacterial effects and it is lethal for some agriculturally harmful insect species. In this study, we have compiled the details of various research findings related to the morphology, natural distribution and synonymous of Origanum acutidens, its karyological and histological features, its content and yield of essential oil and its pharmacological property and the effects of carvacrol based on an exhaustive literature review. Such knowledge could contribute to the design of new and more effective technologies for the increased use and in the number of plant-based drugs for plant and human health. Using alternative and integrative strategies such as phytochemicals against harmful insect families, bacteria and fungi in agricultural areas and storage conditions are among current necessities. In addition, this review may contribute to provide a new and additional perspective on cancer treatment by combining the finding that the carvacrol in the essential oil of Origanum acutidensis effective against cancer cells.
How to cite this article:
Karagöz, H. and Parlakova Karagöz, F. 2019. Areas of Utilization of Orıganum acutidens (Hand.-Mazz.) Ietswaart and Carvacrol.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 7(2): 46-55doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2019.702.006
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