Abstract Volume:5 Issue-6 Year-2017 Original Research Articles
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Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcret@gmail.com |
Gymnosperm are the plants which have fully exposed ovules not enclosed in the fruit, they have the long evolutionary history. The palaeobotany of the gymnosperms goes from the early Triassic to the late cretaceous. Gymnosperm is the most ancient seed plant that originated during the late paleozoic era and flourish well in the Mesozoic era. The long pathway of the evolution has a number of the lines of the cladistcs and the diverge lines of the evolution at that time a number of the plants of that lineage evolved and other plants group extinct in the liens of the evolution. There are a large group of the gymnosperms who have along linage of the fossil gymnosperms, in this series, pteridopaermales, having lyginopteridaceae, medullasaceae, glsospteridaceae, calamopityaceae, bennettitales are the group having a very long and diverse kind of the evolutionary history. However in that era majority f the gymnosperms’ are extinct, they are presented by only the cycadales and conifelraes, gnetlaes.

How to cite this article:
Teena Agrawal, Priyanka Danai. 2017. Fossil Gymnosperms-A ReviewInt.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 5(6): 49-55doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2017.506.007

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