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Abstract            Volume:5  Issue-5  Year-2017         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

A Comparative Bacteriological and Molecular Study on Some Virulence Factor of Proteus spp Isolated from Clinical and Environment Specimens
Banaz M. Latif*, Salah. S. Zayn Aleabdyn and Ibraheem S. Ahmed
*Corresponding author

In this study, 300 clinical samples were collected from different hospitals in kirkuk city, 38 isolates of Proteus spp. were identified from urine, wounds, Ear swape, burns, stool and vaginal swab by using different bacteriological and biochemical tests. It was found that 26 (68.4%) samples were identifies as Proteus mirabilis and 12 (31.5%) samples were Proteus vulgaris. Among the 38 isolates of Proteus spp., 18 isolates (47%) were isolated from urine samples; 2 (5.2%) from wounds samples and 4 (10.5%) isolates from burns samples: 10 (26.3%)isolates from Ear swape; 3(7.8%) isolates from stool and1(2.6%) isolates from vaginal swab. Out of 38 Proteus spp., 20 (52%) were from female and 18 (47%) from male at different age. Some important virulence factor to P. mirabilis isolates from patients was detected by using molecular techniques include PCR and it was found that all isolates gave positive result for ure R gene at 225bp 11 (100%) and 16s rRNA gene.

Keywords: Proteus, PCR, virulence factors gene (ureR, 16srRNA).
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How to cite this article:

Banaz M. Latif, S. Salah and Ibraheem S. Ahmed. 2017. A Compartive Bacteriological and Molecular Study on Some Virulence Factor of Proteus spp Isolated from Clinical and Environment Specmins.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 5(5): 26-33
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2017.505.005
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