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Abstract            Volume:12  Issue-8  Year-2024         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Grassroots Education as A Catalyst for Women's Representation (Activism) in Political Bodies in Benin
Kocou Edgard Romaric Akpovo1, Rodrigue Sèwènan Chaou2, Boucary Abou Soule Adam3,
Christian Duhamel Logozo4, Sidoïnebitho Gbetey5, Souroujuste Akakpo6, Isbath Parape7
and René Koto Sounon7*
1Department of Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities, National Institute of Youth, Sports and Physical Education, University of Abomey-Calavi, Center for Studies and Research in Education and Social Interventions for Development (CEREID) - International Center for Governance, Democracy and Strategic Studies, Benin
2Department of Management Sciences, Researcher in Management Sciences, Public Finance option, Robert de SORBON Higher School, International Center for Governance, Democracy and Strategic Studies, Benin
3Researcher affiliated with the International Center for Governance, Democracy and Strategic Studies, Benin
4Department of Economics and Management, Economist, PhD student at the Doctoral School of Economics and Management (ED SEG/UAC), Research Laboratory in Finance and Development Financing (LARFFID), Researcher affiliated with the International Center for Governance, Democracy and Strategic Studies, Benin
5Department of Applied Mathematics, Statistician and Econometrician Engineer, Higher Institute of Decision Mathematics Benin (ISMADE Benin), Researcher affiliated with the International Center for Governance, Democracy and Strategic Studies, Benin
6Department of Geography and Regional Planning, University of Abomey Calavi, Geographer, Research Associate at the International Center for Governance, Democracy and Strategic Studies
7Researcher affiliated with the International Center for Governance, Democracy and Strategic Studies, Benin
*Corresponding author

This research work deals with the place of women in the political changes that Benin is experiencing in an environment of socio-political pluralism as well as basic education as its catalytic factor. A purely documentary approach supported by a descriptive analysis made it possible to conduct this research. The data used were collected via the internet, press reviews, study reports and databases of the autonomous national electoral commission. The results revealed that there is a very low level of activism of women in the political environment that can lead to their accession to certain positions. However, the rare women who achieve this are educated. The reforms and various actions undertaken have nevertheless led to some progress and indirectly confirmed the thesis relating to the influences of the level of education. However, the problem of the participation of women in the animation of political life in Benin, in perpetual change, remains a major concern and strongly challenges women but also the political class, given that the existing statistics are very unencouraging. It seems important to implement actions to strengthen current reforms and to boost awareness-raising actions aimed at political decision-makers. Better still, it would be interesting to encourage women executives and elites in society to become more involved in the country's political life. Training on leadership and female political activism would also help to breathe new life into the process. Mechanisms to encourage women to join public affairs, coupled with the development of literacy policies for women in rural areas, would allow them to more easily integrate into the political environment and actively participate in the development of the nation. Finally, as with legislative contests, MPs could legislate in favor of positive discrimination in favor of women in the context of local elections.

Keywords: Gender, political activism, socio-political pluralism, Benin.
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How to cite this article:

Kocou Edgard Romaric Akpovo, Rodrigue Sèwènan Chaou, Boucary Abou Soule Adam, Christian Duhamel Logozo, Sidoïnebitho Gbetey, Souroujuste Akakpo, Isbath Parape and René Koto Sounon. 2024. Grassroots Education as A Catalyst for Women's Representation (Activism) in Political Bodies in Benin.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 12(8): 1-10
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2024.1208.001
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