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Abstract            Volume:11  Issue-10  Year-2023         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Poultry Coccidiosis in Intensive and Extensive Farming System in and Around Asella Town
Eden Abera1, Abdissa Lemma Bedada2* and Lemma Yimer1
1Welega university College of Veterinary Medicine
2Asella Regional veterinary Laboratory, PO box 212, Asella, Ethiopia
*Corresponding author

Coccidiosis is major parasitic disease of poultry. It is an endemic disease in most of the tropical and subtropical regions of the world including Ethiopia. It commonly affects young chickens and chickens managed under Intensive system. A cross sectional study was undertaken in and around Asella Town from April 2021 to September 2021 with the objective of determining the prevalence of poultry coccidiosis and to identify the potential risk factors in Intensive and Extensive poultry farms. Flotation technique was employed on the feaces collected from randomly selected 307 chickens from both intensive and extensively management for presence of Coccidial oocysts. Accordingly out of total 156 (50.81%) of chickens were found to be positive for coccidian oocysts. The prevalence of coccidiosis was accounted 33.8%, 73.3%, 38.8%, 51.8%, In Chillalo, Wolkesa, Burka chillalo and Dosha respectively. Among examined chickens, higher infection (68.5%) rate was observed in chicken under the age category of 2 to 8 weeks (young) than in chickens greater than 8 weeks (31.0%). There was statistically significance difference (p =0.000) between the two age groups, As well as between treated chickens and non-treated chickens. Higher infection rate was detected in chickens under intensive management system (58.3%) as compared to chicken in extensive (43.6%). There was statistically significance difference (p =0.010) between the two management system. The prevalence was also statically Significance different (p=0.027) between exotic breed chickens (56.8%) and Local breed chickens (44.13%). Higher prevalence was observed in Female (55.6%) chickens than Male (41.2%).chickens which was statistically Significance different (p=0.017). The study indicated that poultry coccidiosis is still the most prevalent protozoa disease of poultry that need an intervention through improved management practices including good hygiene and Biosecurity practices should be given prime attention in the prevention and control of coccidiosis in the study area.

Keywords: Asella, Coccidiosis, Poultry, Prevalence, Risk factors.
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How to cite this article:

Eden Abera, Abdissa Lemma Bedada and Lemma Yimer. 2023. Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Poultry Coccidiosis in Intensive and Extensive Farming System In and Around Asella Town.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 11(10): 46-58
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2023.1110.006
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