Abstract Volume:11 Issue-1 Year-2023 Original Research Articles
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Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcret@gmail.com |
The aim of the present study is to assess the perception of customers towards service quality of public and private sector banks in Southern districts of Tamil Nadu. In the current scenario banking area of India is running in a dynamic task concerning both customer base and performance. Service quality is an essential competitive strategy to retain customer base. Customer satisfaction hang on Service quality of banks. This study to be utilized a quantitative survey design and the five dimensions of service quality tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, empathy and assurance were considered as variables for this study. The researcher has selected five districts from Southern districts of Tamil Nadu such as, Thoothukudi, Tirunelveli, Kanyakumari, Tenkasi, and Ramanathapuram. Purposive sampling method was espoused to select the respondents. Customers who are availing banking services from the select banks are selected for the study. The total sample size is 846 out of which 423 samples are from the selected public sector bank and 423 from the selected private sector bank in Southern districts of Tamil Nadu. Customer’s perception differences towards service quality of private sector and public sector banks is thoroughly analyzed in the research work. The mean score of perception on service quality is high in private banks compared with public banks. Hence, the study suggested that, the public sector banks have to concentrate more on providing quality services. The study concluded that, both public and private sector banks are instructed to enhance their service quality, thereby customer’s satisfaction can be increased.

How to cite this article:
Rajeswari, P. and Murugeswari, M. 2023. A Comparative Study on Customers Perception Towards Service Quality of Public and Private Sector Banks in Southern Districts of Tamil Nadu.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 11(1): 32-41doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2023.1101.006

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